The Story of Climbing With Apples

Why Climbing With Apples?

Well, in the words of my college roommate of three years, “Can I tell you a story?”

I went on vacation to Boston with my parents and best friend to celebrate the end of my sophomore year of high school. We were all excited to be tourists and take in all of the history Boston had to offer.

We went to Bunker Hill to watch Colonial-Era re-enactors. My friend and dad wanted to walk up to the top of Bunker Hill to see the gorgeous views of Boston that the tower offered.

Something you should know about me. I am NOT fit. So I was not looking forward to climbing the 294 steps to get to the top.

My dad and friend went ahead as I struggled up. I was tired, sweating, and on the verge of tears. I kept feeling my bag tug on my shoulder. It felt so heavy which was odd because I had nothing in there.

I was victorious and reached the top, but it was hell getting there. I tried to hand off my bag to my dad but he left it on the ground and headed down. Rude.

I made it to the bottom and laid down on the freshly cut square of grass. I listened to Ed Sheeran’s A Team (before his first album came out, just saying), and swore I would never climb that many stairs again.

Later in the day, my dad asked for a piece of gum. I opened my bag and realized why my bag was so heavy. My dad had placed four huge apples in my bag that he took from the hotel lobby in case he got hungry.

So I climbed the 294 steps carrying almost half a dozen apples. It doesn’t sound heavy, but with everything else in my bag, with the pressure of the stairs, it was a new level of hell.

Thus the name, Climbing With Apples.

In this phase of our lives, we don’t know what the future holds. I’m a strong believer that everything happens for a reason.

To me climbing up those stairs to get to the top represents life. We will face struggles but once we get to the top it’ll be glorious. However, life isn’t as simple as climbing up 294 steps to reach the top. There will always be added obstacles, whether they be constant job rejections or carrying a bunch of apples.

I promise that once you get to the top, all of those apples that seemed like a huge pain at the time will make for a pretty funny story.

I hope that you enjoy this story and Climbing With Apples. We want to write about things that matter to us, things we learned, and things that get the post-grad struggle off our mind.

Enjoy this journey with us. Remember, not all apples are bad.

-Delaney Ratzky

Co-Creator of Climbing With Apples


A picture we took of Bunker Hill. It’s tall.