Health & Wellness · Lifestyle

20 Small Ways to Ease your Anxiety

Living with an anxiety disorder is often complicated because there is no magical, quick-fix for a panic attack. But in my own experience dealing with several anxiety disorders, I've found a few ways that really help when talking myself down. Below are 20 small, easy ways that I've found that drastically reduce daily stress and anxiety… Continue reading 20 Small Ways to Ease your Anxiety

College Wisdom · Health & Wellness · Jobs · Lifestyle

4 Little Ways to Foster Creativity

Creativity is a muscle - the more you flex it, the stronger it'll be. But creativity also comes with a lot of potential burn-out. We are all bound to run out of ideas at some point, whether your job requires you to be consistently creative or you've simply lost inspiration. This is a common problem -… Continue reading 4 Little Ways to Foster Creativity


A Crash Course in Tattoo Styles

If you're new to the tattoo scene or just need to brush up on the basics, you've come to the right place. Below is an extensive guide to different tattooing styles and how they've become a staple in the culture. American Traditional American Traditional, also known as Old School, showcases heavily saturated colors and bold… Continue reading A Crash Course in Tattoo Styles

Fashion and Beauty · Lifestyle

Body Positivity Through Patterned Leggings

I am the type of person who does not like to draw attention to my body. I'm overweight, short and stout. I always have my hair up in a messy bun because I believe that sleep is more important than good hair. When it came to my clothing choices, I never wanted something that would… Continue reading Body Positivity Through Patterned Leggings

Health & Wellness · Lifestyle

How To Get Into A Gym Routine (When You Hate The Gym)

Dedicated to my trainer for motivating me and encouraging me to eat wheat bread. It isn't horrible.  This isn't going to be one of those posts about how I just dieted, went to the gym, then lost 100 pounds in a few months. If you can do that, I applaud you SO MUCH. However, that… Continue reading How To Get Into A Gym Routine (When You Hate The Gym)

Health & Wellness · Lifestyle

4 Thoughts all Anxious Women have While Dating

Dating is full of cringe-worthy experiences but things only get worse for those of us with anxiety disorders. Let’s be real here: anxiety sucks. Not only does it drain you of energy (both physically and emotionally), it can also interrupt simple daily activities by forcing you to worry about trivial things. Thanks to my anxiety… Continue reading 4 Thoughts all Anxious Women have While Dating

LGBTQ+ · Lifestyle

4 Myths about Dating a Bisexual Person

People that identify within the LGBT community are often targeted for violence and misunderstanding as they are part of a stigmatized minority. In response to tragic events, queer people have found a community within themselves. Whether facing bigoted family members or calculated attacks, the queer community prides itself on being open and accepting to fellow… Continue reading 4 Myths about Dating a Bisexual Person

LGBTQ+ · Lifestyle

7 Tips to Rock your Long Distance Relationship

The idea of being in a long-distance relationship (LDR) is terrifying to some people and may even seem impossible to others. But a long-distance relationship, like all relationships, just requires work and understanding from both people. There will always be doubters and friends who are convinced that LDRs can never work, but, in reality, long-distance relationships can… Continue reading 7 Tips to Rock your Long Distance Relationship