Jobs · LGBTQ+ · Post Grad Life

Queer in the Workplace

"Why don't you stop coming in here everyday looking like a fucking homosexual," a salesman told a coworker as he entered the room on a Monday morning. A few seconds later the same salesmen would call him a "faggot" due to his obvious excitement about the Dodgers. Meanwhile I sank lower in my seat, shocked… Continue reading Queer in the Workplace

Entertainment · LGBTQ+

Todd Chavez: Our Asexual Hero

Contains minor spoilers Bojack Horseman is one of the most ridiculous and amazing television shows ever. It is about an animated cast of characters dealing with real-life problems such as depression, family drama, miscarriages, addiction, and sexuality. This season, Bojack's sidekick, Todd, spent the season creating a clown dentist business and discovering his sexuality. Rather, his… Continue reading Todd Chavez: Our Asexual Hero

LGBTQ+ · Lifestyle

4 Myths about Dating a Bisexual Person

People that identify within the LGBT community are often targeted for violence and misunderstanding as they are part of a stigmatized minority. In response to tragic events, queer people have found a community within themselves. Whether facing bigoted family members or calculated attacks, the queer community prides itself on being open and accepting to fellow… Continue reading 4 Myths about Dating a Bisexual Person

LGBTQ+ · Lifestyle

7 Tips to Rock your Long Distance Relationship

The idea of being in a long-distance relationship (LDR) is terrifying to some people and may even seem impossible to others. But a long-distance relationship, like all relationships, just requires work and understanding from both people. There will always be doubters and friends who are convinced that LDRs can never work, but, in reality, long-distance relationships can… Continue reading 7 Tips to Rock your Long Distance Relationship